
7 Tips to Stop Procrastinating and Make Your New Year Resolutions Happen

It’s that time again — New Year’s resolutions are forming in our minds. Any goal, from losing weight to eating a healthier diet to looking for a new job or starting your own business can get a great boost from that dawn-of-a-new-era optimism.

However, resolutions can become a source of anguish when we don’t live up to high expectations of ourselves. To avoid disappointment, follow these steps to formulate a viable New Year’s resolution that you can proudly accomplish.

  1. Decide on your highest priority for the coming year and turn it into a New Year’s resolution.By choosing only one goal, you are clear about your focus. Procrastination is much more likely when you have to regularly make decisions on which resolution to honor at any given point.
  1. Word your New Year’s resolution in a way that energizes you.The more precisely, enticingly, and memorably you can define your goal definition, the better. Avoid any terms that evoke negative emotions because those can cause resistance and delays. If saying your resolution out loud does not make you smile or want to jump into action, keep rephrasing it until it feels right.
  1. Break down your project into concrete action steps. Many New Year’s resolutions fade away quickly because they’re only vague notions in our minds. Clearly defined tasks and behaviors also feel much more doable than generalized commitments.
  1. Schedule important activities and milestones on your 2016 calendar.Just with every to-do activity, reminders and blocked-off time can keep you moving forward — especially with those New Year’s resolutions that require a longer-term commitment. Even if you forget about your goal for a week, seeing those items scheduled on your datebook will get you back on track.
  1. Create a support network that keeps you on track.Whenever possible, bring other people on board, either by sharing the same goal and working together or by asking a spouse or good friend to keep you honest and accountable.
  1. Forgive yourself when you procrastinate.Guilt is only useful when it leads to immediate action. Instead of beating yourself up, refocus on your goal. It’s okay to be human.

Reward yourself for making progress on your goal.Positive outcomes take time and a little instant gratification never hurts — just make it a treat that won’t undermine your overall objective.

Make 2016 the year that you carry out your New Year’s resolution and reap the benefits.

Learn more at www.freshlifecoaching.com.

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