7 Ways to Discover What's Next

There are several times in a woman’s life when she begins asking, “Now what?” A young professional must carefully evaluate her priorities relating to her career and starting a family as she struggles to successfully integrate her work, faith, marriage and relationships. Later in her career, she often realizes there is more to success than a title, a raise and living on auto-pilot, and her focus shifts to following her true calling and creating a life that honors God. As an empty-nester, she has a deep desire to create a new identity for herself apart from being a mother. When approaching retirement, she knows that she will not be content unless she continues to make an impact in the lives of others.

If you are at one of these crossroads, follow these steps for clarity, confidence and contentment as you design the next chapter of your life.

Give yourself permission to change. This is YOUR time to follow your heart’s desires, according to God’s plan for your life. Know that your increased happiness and sense of purpose will have far-reaching ripple effects on others, and don’t worry about what they will think.

Let go of fear. Ask yourself “If I had no fears, where would I be in five years?” Are you willing to miss out on reaching your ideal future because you gave in to your fears? If you are continually reaching for your God-given potential, there will always be times of self-doubt because you are headed toward the unknown. Push your limits, lean on God and know that fear is natural when you are becoming a better version of yourself.

Identify your unique gifts, values and passions. What are your natural talents? What do people say you do so well? What values are you willing to fight for? What would you do every day, even if you didn’t get paid? Answering these questions will help you identify your authentic self as God designed you, not what the world says you should be. This is your “unique value statement” that gives you confidence as you step out of your comfort zone.

Uncover your purpose. God created you for a specific purpose, and equipped you with those unique gifts, values and passions to easily live according to that calling. Reflect on your new vision for yourself, and the gifts, values and passions you have identifited. Look for the common thread that runs through all of them which points to your purpose. It is part of your DNA! And provides the compass for your life.

Create a strategic plan. Once you are clear on your purpose and your unique value statement, set specific goals that will stretch you and help you grow into the brilliant woman God created you to be. Remember, you are already equipped with everything you need to succeed! Prioritize your goals, break them down into small steps and creat a timeline for achieving your new vision.

Ask for help. Build a support team for guidance, support and accountability. Hire a coach, find mentors and round out your “advisory board” with friends and colleagues who will be honest and hold you accountable. This is not the place for people who will support every idea you have! Select those who will be real with you as well as supportive.

Take at least one big step every day. If you are living according to your God-designed purpose, then you will succeed! But to reach your God-given potential, you must take action. You were created to serve the world in a beautiful way, so what are you waiting for? It’s time to let your true brilliance SHINE!

Susan Tolles is a Certified Christian Life Purpose Coach. To learn more about her work, click here. To schedule a complementary session with her, click here.


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