Author: Jane Farrell

Wills & Estates

The Best Estate-Planning Tips


  If you don’t have a will, you are not alone. Half of Americans don’t have a will, a living will, or financial and medical powers of attorney. Yet we know a will and other estate documents would ease our family’s burdens if something happened to us.

Mental & Emotional Health

What We've Learned On ThirdAge Forums


 Join the discussions of articles and other topics on our Forum. Click on the orange FORUMS link on the subjects banner at the top of our home page or click the “Join the Conversation!” link at the bottom of most articles. Take a look at the funny, wise and wonderful conversations you’ve been missing:

Mental & Emotional Health

When You Love An Addict


 How many times have I heard variations of this in the last two  weeks? “I can’t understand why Whitney Houston would overdose/abuse drugs/get so drunk, when she had been through treatment and achieved sobriety, a child who needed her, a great career, people who loved her, and such a strong faith.” In fact, I was sitting next to a Miami news anchor at dinner the other night who said the same thing.


The Post-Divorce Valentine's Day


Who dreads Valentine’s Day more than single women with no romantic interest in their lives? Recently divorced women.But there is hope for a new kind of Valentine’s celebration. On a day when “I love you, darling” is shoved down our throats, maybe we should be expressing our gratitude to those who stuck by us through the valley of depression, or making the day special for our children or grandchildren.

Foods That Whiten Your Teeth


We love the look of pearly whites. But constant bleaching isn’t just costly, it can cause mild to severe pain. If you overdo it, the chemical can eat away at your tooth enamel. The good news is that certain fruits and vegetables will can help make your teeth sparkle naturally. Check them out and you might be able to skip some bleaching treatments.

Dr. Marie's Hospital Guide


No one is in a better position than a nurse to give you insider information about your hospital stay – unless she's a nurse who went on to become a doctor. Marie Savard, M.D., medical contributor to Good Morning America and the author of  Ask Dr. Marie and  How to Save Your Own Life, offers these tips for taking charge of your healthcare when you're going to the hospital:

My Easter Memories


There’s a certain kind of weather I always associate with Easter.  Pale, tentative sunlight that looks as though it’s emerging from hibernation.  Cold air shot through with an elusive touch of warmth. Painfully raw green leaves on trees and bushes.   When that weather arrived, it was time for my mother to get ready for the holiday. Actually, it was time for her to get me ready for the holiday.

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