_ College Drinking and Job Search By thirdAGE videoBinge-drinking in college could impact job chances upon graduation, new study finds.
_ Parkinson's and Caffeine By thirdAGE videoCaffeine does not help improve movement symptoms in Parkinson’s disease, study finds
_ Treating Chronic Respiratory Diseases By thirdAGE videoChronic respiratory diseases are taking more lives, new study finds
_ Movies and Guns By thirdAGE videoDoes watching a movie with gun violence influence a child’s interest in weapons?
_ Marijuana and Cancer By thirdAGE videoNearly three-quarters of cancer patients asking about marijuana treatment, new study finds
_ Pets and Caregiver Burden By thirdAGE videoOwners of seriously ill pets at risk for depression, study finds
_ Tackle Football and Young Brains By thirdAGE videoPlaying tackle football before the age of 12 may increase the risk of depression later in life, new study finds
_ Life Expectancy By thirdAGE videoRise in life expectancy limited by drug-poisoning deaths, new study finds.
_ Adolescents and Tattooing By thirdAGE videoThe American Academy of Pediatrics issues new guidelines on Adolescents and Tattoos
_ Adolescents and Opioids By thirdAGE videoThe number of children addicted to opioids is on the rise, according to new study
_ Diabetes and Caffeine By thirdAGE videoCaffeine, from coffee and tea, may lower the risk of death in women with diabetes, study finds
_ Long-Term Risks and Benefits of HRT By thirdAGE videoHormone replacement therapy may not increase the risk of death among postmenopausal women, new study finds
_ Pregnancy and Alcohol By thirdAGE videoThere’s little research on light drinking during pregnancy; abstinence still best, study concludes
_ E-cigarettes and Heart Health By thirdAGE videoE-cigarettes with nicotine may cause stiffening of the arteries, new study concludes
_ HPV Protection By thirdAGE videoPrevalence of HPV is dropping among both vaccinated and unvaccinated 18-26 year-olds, study finds
_ Diet and Colon Cancer Risk By thirdAGE videoEating whole grains daily reduces the risk of colorectal cancer, study finds