Be Proud to Call Yourself a Fierce Woman

2018 is here. The New Year brings to all of our minds personalized thoughts; especially turning over a new leaf. We are determined to be resolute in our new resolutions. I think it is far wiser to take time to revel in positivity; to look within yourself and value the “you in you.”

With that in mind, I have a plan for you to consider 

The word FIERCE was never a part of my vocabulary. So, when I was chosen by Chicago Woman Magazine as one of Chicago’s 50 Fierce Women Over 50, I was given an assignment. I had to write about why I was a fierce woman over 50.

Pondering and pondering 

I pondered and pondered over the meaning of the word “fierce” in relation to me; a wife, grandmother, girlfriend, writer, daughter; a woman who wears many hats. I was not a fierce wife or grandmother. I was not a fierce daughter, girlfriend or writer. Truly, I spent hours thinking about the subject. I looked up the definition of “fierce” in the dictionary. I asked girlfriends their thoughts about the meaning of the word over lunch. I asked my husband, “Why am I fierce?” His answer, “You’re not.” From the definition in the dictionary to my friends and ultimate concierge’s comments it seemed negativity over positivity ruled. I was lost.

I remember taking an entire weekend thinking about my topic and asking myself, “Why am I fierce? How am I fierce? Have my many years of living created a ‘positive fierceness’ in me?

I had an epiphany, a sudden revelation 

After hours of frustration, I had an epiphany, a moment of sudden revelation, an insight. I was thinking of the word “fierce” as a negative when in actuality the definition of the word “fierce” can be very positive.

I tossed out of my mind the negative definition of “fierce” in the dictionary. I tossed out of my mind my girlfriend’s negative thoughts about the word fierce and my husband’s words, “You are anything but fierce.” and realized I am a very fierce woman in so many positive ways. and in five minutes typed out Why I am a Fierce Woman over 50.

My Poem

I am fierce because, above all else, I am a visible and relevant woman

I am fierce because as a woman, my femininity in my greatest asset.

I am fierce because my word is my bond.

I am fierce because I give back.

I am fierce because everything I do is with purpose and often with passion.

I am fierce because I am passionate, through my writing on, about helping tens of thousands of women(nearly 150,000 followers) learn to lead magical lives after 50.

I am fierce because I use my power in a soft manner.

I am fierce because I am loyal.

I am fierce because I see life as a series of challenges, not problems.

I am fierce because I walk on the sunny side of the street.

I am fierce because my top priority is my husband and my family.

I am fierce because I am worldly.

I am fierce because I know inner beauty surpasses outer beauty.

And most importantly I am fierce because I am grateful.

Dear Readers, instead of looking to change who you are revel in and feel fierce about who you are. You have climbed so many mountains, learned so many lessons and experienced so many pleasures, so this is my advice:

Take a bubble bath. Crack open a bottle of champagne, light some candles around the tub, and as you soak in the bubbles raise your glass and toast yourself into 2018 with a big smile on your face and say out loud, I am FIERCE.

What now? A New Years resolution for women over 50

Now that you are relaxed and in good spirits write yourself a message beginning with these four words: “I am fierce because…”

And, then tuck your message in a place for only your eyes to see often or hang it on your refrigerator door to remind yourself just how wonderful and marvelous you are.

I wish you a very happy New Year, darlings.

Susan “Honey” Good is the founder of where this blog originally appeared. The site is a collection of lessons learned, life advice and insights from not only her, but from a fantastic group of contributing writers, each adding their own spice to the recipe. Honey representing “a family tree of women” — wives, mothers, daughters, granddaughters, mothers-in-law, daughters-in-law, sisters, aunts, cousins and girlfriends — coming together to talk about what makes them tick as well as what they have in common. Honey Good discusses life experiences with wisdom, humor and intellect, enabling all to attain a “Honey Good Style of Life.”

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