How to Keep a Relationship Alive

Our lives are filled with several types of relationships. Let’s talk about the relationships with our partners, children, grandchildren and girlfriends. This will be a short survey on what I have learned over the years. Here are some keywords that keep my relationships alive and well!


  1. Attention: Your partner should always come first. I learned this from my mother as I observed how she treated my father. He came first, even ahead of my brother and me. She was correct – we eventually left the nest.
  2. Romance: Tell your husband you love him. I tell my husband I love him every day and many days I tell him more than once. Also, dress for your husband.
  3. Praise: Men like to have their mane patted. Come to think of it, everyone does. Give praise.
  4. Appreciation: Don’t take anything for granted. I thank my husband for something daily, even if it’s the smallest thing.
  5. Argue: Fight fair!
  6. Love: Hold hands at the movies. Kiss one another goodnight.


  1. Unconditional love: GRANDmothers are safe love, always. Be a safe haven for your grandchildren.
  2. Time and not money: Send emails and texts during the week, especially if you live apart. Be the one to make the phone call every Sunday so it becomes a habit. Money will bring love for a moment, but time will bring love for a lifetime.
  3. Support: Always validate your grandchildren’s feelings. You must think about how you felt at their age.
  4. Pass on family traditions and history: Grandchildren love to learn about the history and traditions of their family. Tell them stories with a message and make the stories exciting or thought provoking.
  5. Stay young at heart: You shouldn’t act like an old fuddy-duddy with your grandchildren.  You should be up to date on fashion, technology and their special interests.
  6. Values and wisdom: This is your ultimate responsibility as a GRANDmother. Leave your grandchildren with valuable knowledge. They will remember what you taught them.


  1. Trust: Prove you are trustworthy. The normal rule of thought, “If you tell one person, it is no longer a secret.” Prove your trustworthiness to your friends.
  2. Maintenance: Make an effort. Remember, friendships take a lot of tender loving care.
  3. Share: Share activities and intellectual interests with your close friends.
  4. Like-minded: Choose women who have similar qualities of character.
  5. Self-disclosure:  Disclose who you really are. It is a vulnerable feeling, but will create a true bond.

Do something good today — tell those you care about that you love them.

Susan “Honey” Good is the founder of where this blog originally appeared. The site is a collection of lessons learned, life advice and insights from not only her, but from a fantastic group of contributing writers, each adding their own spice to the recipe. Honey representing “a family tree of women” — wives, mothers, daughters, granddaughters, mothers-in-law, daughters-in-law, sisters, aunts, cousins and girlfriends — coming together to talk about what makes them tick as well as what they have in common. Honey Good discusses life experiences with wisdom, humor and intellect, enabling all to attain a “Honey Good Style of Life.”


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