

Dating with Cancer: When Do You Share Your Diagnosis?


By Tracy Maxwell This article, which originally appeared on, is adapted from Being Single, With Cancer."At what point in a new relationship is it appropriate to reveal your status as a cancer survivor?"If you have ever wondered what the right answer to this question is, you're not alone. Many survivors ask the same thing when dating after cancer or during treatment.


Is Your Online Profile Too Revealing?


By Judith Bitterli Editor’s Note: Internet dating is serious business. According to the Statistics Brain Research Institute, the internet dating scene generated $1.049 billion in revenue for the year 2012. And online dating sites aren’t the only place where potential mates are checking each other out. AVG Technologies, an online security firm, found in a survey that one in three young baby boomers (45-54) were also using social media such as Facebook and Twitter to research a person they might be interested in.


The Eight Stages of Relationships: Part Two


This is part two of a series on the predictable stages of a relationship. To read part one, click here. How a couple negotiates the fourth stage -- Power Struggle -- determines what stages they will encounter next. I cannot stress enough how important it is to negotiate the power struggle stage successfully in order to keep your relationship alive and thriving.


The Eight Stages of Relationships: Part One


Relationships are predictable. All of them go through stages as they grow and develop. And this includes romantic relationships.What stage is your relationship in?Or, if you are not in a relationship, at what stage do your relationships always end and why?Identifying the stages of your relationship and the attributes, stumbling blocks and joys of each stage can help you negotiate through them with more success, peace and love.

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