

Ready, Set - Change Your Health Habits!


We all know how crucial it is to make lifestyle changes to improve our health, but knowing that and actually changing a habit are two very different things. Here, the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health, offers an easy-to-follow plan that will help you understand how best to make the move to healthier habits.


Finding the Right Fitness Trainer for You


As summer turns to fall, you might be thinking about moving your exercise routine indoors. Once the weather gets snowy and frigid, it’s harder to get out and hit the walking or bike trails. Or you may be thinking that you want to move beyond your current 30-minute treadmill routine at the gym. A fitness trainer may be the way to go.A trainer can help you do everything from helping you use the gym equipment correctly to taking your workout to the next level. Here, from the National Institute on Aging, are some tips on how to find the best trainer for you.


More Exercise Is Not Always Better


Did you do about a half hour of exercise today? If so, don’t feel guilty about sitting down and putting your feet up – especially is if you have heart disease. Working out too much is probably bad for you. That’s the finding of a study published in August 2014 in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. A release from the clinic notes that there is clear evidence of an increase in cardiovascular deaths in heart attack survivors who exercise to excess.


How Exercise Can Improve Osteoarthritis


Osteoarthritis, the degeneration of joint cartilage, is age-related. Most cases involve stiffness in the knee, hip and thumb joints. But while it is a painful condition, osteoarthritis doesn’t necessarily limit your from physical activity. In fact, the right kind of exercise can improve the condition.


5 Exercise Myths Debunked


By Brett Osborn M.D.As a neurosurgraon and an avid bodybuilder, I know that you will do more harm than good if you’ve bought into some of the myths and “conventional wisdom” about exercise that is simply wrong. Here’s the truth about are those misconceptions:

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