

Need Motivation At The Gym? Just Add Music

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By Joe Vennare, PT We will try anything to get a boost in the gym. Caffeine and pre-workout supplements might do the trick for some, but they come with a host of potential side effects in tow. Other people opt for performance enhancing drugs, legal or otherwise. This probably isn’t the best bet either. Breaking the law seldom is.


New Sitting Risk: Disability After 60

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Regardless of exercise, too much sedentary time is linked to major disability after 60. If you're 60 and older, every additional hour a day you spend sitting is linked to doubling the risk of being disabled , according to a study done at a new Northwestern Medicine and published February 19th 2014 in the Journal of Physical Activity & Health.


Picking the Right Pedometer


Walking can help pave the way to fitness. But are you taking enough steps to get results? Using a pedometer can help you set and achieve fitness goals. A pedometer can offer motivation and accountability. See how to choose and use a pedometer — it can be a powerful reminder that every step counts on the path toward better health. Choosing a pedometer


How to Do Yoga the Right Way


Editor’s Note: Yoga, once practiced by only a few people, is a growth industry in the U.S.  According to recent statistics, 15 million American adults practice yoga, a mind-body technique that combines physical and mental aspects. It can be beneficial in a number of ways, including increasing flexibility, battling lower back pain and providing peace of mind.


Better Design for Running Shoes on the Horizon

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If running is your exercise of choice, you may soon have the option of wearing dramatically improved shoes when you train. A study of how foot muscles support the arch of the foot, led by researchers at t he University of Queensland in Australia used retro-reflective skin markers for three-dimensional motion capture on the right foot of each participant. The results were published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface on January 29th 2014.


Video Improves Post-Stroke Exercise Results

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About 80% of stroke survivors experience a condition called hemiparesis that causes weakness or the inability to move one side of the body. Core stabilization exercise to improve postural stability and independent walking in chronic hemiparetic stroke patients could be enhanced by real-time video feedback, according to research done at Sahmyook University in the Republic of Korea and published in the journal Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience.


The Superior Fat Burning Power of Cold Weather Workouts

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By Joe Vennare, PT & Fitness Program Director at When winter rolls around and temperatures begin to fall, do you shut down or layer up? Hibernating until spring might sound like a good plan -- that is, until cabin fever sets in and extra pounds start to creep on. There’s no reason to let all of the fitness gains you’ve made during the summer slip away.


Stronger and Safer with “Cane Fu” Class

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Seniors are learning to defend themselves with an unlikely tool -- their canes. "We turned the fitness equation on its head," said Mike Merino, CEO of “Nifty After Fifty” fitness centers, which are offering "Cane Fu" classes.


Exercise and Menopause


Along with managing weight and avoiding smoking or excess alcohol use, exercising regularly is one of the most important health habits women can practice throughout their lives.  And working out becomes especially important during menopause, because it helps prevent osteoporosis as well as illness such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It may also improve mood disorders that some women go through and help avoid middle-aged weight gain.


The Benefits of Correct Breathing

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By Joe Vennare, PT & Fitness Program Director at Just breathe. Seems simple right? Whether you’re relaxing or running breathing is kind of essential for performance and well, staying alive.


Reaching Your Fitness Goals: Easier than You Think


It’s no surprise to see your local gym packed to the gills in January. Whether you’re swearing up and down that 2014 will be the year you get in shape or you’re trying to shed some of those holiday pounds, you might be trying to draw up a plan of attack. Low carb? Low fat? Weight lifting? Running? Maybe a combo? Here’s some advice from Florida State University exercise and willpower experts on how to make the most out of your health and fitness goals in the new year.


Safety for Senior Athletes


Aging affects multiple organ systems, from the heart and lungs to your bones and metabolism. Of all the changes, musculoskeletal issues have the most impact on the aging senior’s sport. These changes include:an overall decrease in muscle and bone mass; stiffening of muscles; weakening of tendons and cartilage.


Injuring Tendons as We Age

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The risk of tendon injuries increases with age but scientists have never fully understood why. Now research led by Queen Mary University of London has discovered a specific mechanism that is crucial to effective tendon function. The finding could reveal why older people are more prone to tendon injury.


ThirdAge Health Close-up: Pilates


  By Judy Kirkwood I’m doing Pilates machines workouts by the process of elimination. I’ve tried and given up just about everything else. For the last year, my friend’s words have echoed in my guilt chamber: “Just pay the money and do Pilates machines classes. They work!”


Donald Driver Wins DWTS


  The winner of Season 14 of “DWTS” is Green Bay Packer Donald Driver, and it’s all over but the TV talk shows. One thing is for sure: this was the most satisfying seasons of “DWTS.” The quality of the dancing was extremely high and this show has left an indelible mark on its fans. I think we’ll expect more of future seasons.

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