Weight Loss

Technologies for Weight Loss


Despite US Preventive Services Task Force recommendations for screening and treating obesity, there are many barriers. However, several of these problems may be ameliorated through technological approaches, according to a study by researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center published online August 21st 2014 in the Journal of General Internal Medicine (JGIM).

Healthy Diet & Nutrition

“Spice” Up Your Health


By Diane Blum Did you know that one of the easiest things you can do to improve your health is to use a handful of spices each day?Simply adding the right spices increases nutrients in your diet, allows you to use less salt and sugar for taste, and also has important health side benefits. Here are a few of the healthiest:1) Cinnamon

Preventing Organic Food Fraud


A growing number of consumers are willing to pay a premium for fruits, vegetables and other foods labeled "organic", but whether they're getting what the label claims is another matter. Now scientists at the Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority and the Wuerzburg University in Germany are studying conventional and organic tomatoes are devising a new way to make sure farms are labeling their produce appropriately. Their report, which appears in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in August 2014, could help prevent organic food fraud.

Healthy Diet & Nutrition
Medical Care

Change in Tube Feeding Boosts Nutrition


While the importance of enteral nutrition (EN), or feeding patients through a tube, in an intensive care unit is well understood, underfeeding is still common. A practice of a certain amount of feeding per hour can be interrupted by tests, procedures, or emergencies. Changing to a volume-based system, which calls for a certain nutrition volume per day, could reduce underfeeding, according to a quality improvement audit published in the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition's (A.S.P.E.N.) Nutrition in Clinical Practice journal on August 26th 2014.

Preserve the Harvest for Winter Meals and Holiday Gifts


By Melinda Myers The cucumbers have filled the vegetable drawer, you’ve run out of cabbage recipes and your family is refusing to eat one more BLT. Or maybe you just couldn’t resist that special deal on a bushel of tomatoes, potatoes or apples at the farmer’s market. So what is a gardener or shopper to do with all that produce?

Is MSG Really Bad for You?


The American Chemical Society has debunked a long-running food myth about monosodium glutamate. More commonly known as MSG, the compound has had a bad reputation for nearly 50 years. The society felt it was time to clear its name. In a video, the chemists explain why the scientific consensus is that this flavor enhancer, known for its savory umami flavor, is perfectly safe for the vast majority of people.

Aging Well
Healthy Diet & Nutrition

Are You as Old as What You Eat?


Researchers from University College London (UCL) have demonstrated how an interplay between nutrition, metabolism, and immunity is involved in the process of aging. The two new studies, supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), could help to enhance our immunity to disease through dietary intervention and help make existing immune system therapies more effective.

Weight Loss

Back to Basics: Counting Calories


Despite all the diet strategies out there, weight management still comes down to the calories you take in versus those you burn off. Fad diets may promise you that avoiding carbs or eating a mountain of grapefruit is the secret to weight loss, but it's really all about calories.CALORIES: FUEL FOR YOUR BODYCalories are the energy in food. Your body has a constant demand for energy and uses the calories from food to keep functioning. Energy from calories fuels your every action, from fidgeting to marathon running.

Healthy Diet & Nutrition

Seafood Substitutions High In Mercury


New measurements from fish purchased at retail seafood counters in 10 different states show the extent to which mislabeling can expose consumers to unexpectedly high levels of mercury, a harmful pollutant. Fishery stock "substitutions"—which falsely present a fish of the same species, but from a different geographic origin—are the most dangerous mislabeling offense, according to research by University of Hawai'i at Mānoa scientists and published in August 2014 in PLOS One.

Vitamins + Supplements

Should Your Pet Take Supplements?


Our pets are like our family, right? Even pet food manufacturers now refer to “pet owners” as “pet parents” in their marketing! This humanization trend has been fueled by us Baby Boomers who are refocusing our discretionary spending on our pets rather than spending it on feathering our now empty nests. So it’s no wonder we “pet parents” are now pondering the question of vitamins and other supplementation for Fido and Fluffy. But what’s the real scoop of pet supplements? Good idea or bad?

Healthy Diet & Nutrition

Keeping Fillers Out of Coffee


Java lovers beware: Surprise ingredients that are neither sweet nor flavorful may be hiding in your coffee. Not only that, but growing coffee shortages may increase the chance of having these fillers in your cup of joe in the future. The good news, though, is that a highly accurate test is in the works to find coffee containing unwanted fillers before the beverage reaches stores and restaurants.

Healthy Diet & Nutrition

Caffeine Lowers Incidence of Tinnitus


Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston found that higher caffeine intake is associated with lower rates of tinnitus, often described as a ringing or buzzing sound in the ear when there is no outside source of the sounds, in younger and middle-aged women. This study was published in the August 2014 issue of the American Journal of Medicine.

Healthy Diet & Nutrition

Cheese Still Loaded With Salt


The high salt content of cheese is a “global challenge”, according to research in the UK who published their findings in August 2014 in the online journal BMJ Open. A release from the publisher notes that a high dietary salt intake is linked to high blood pressure, which is a risk factor for stroke, heart attacks, heart failure and kidney disease. It also increases the risk of stomach cancer and osteoporosis, and is indirectly linked to obesity.

Healthy Diet & Nutrition

Fast Food Redeemed: Beyond Burgers and Fries


By Dr. Kevin J. McLaughlin Across the United States, North America and throughout the world, the impact of the fast food industry has really overtaken our collective culinary culture. It has driven demand, competitive pricing for fast meals and disease rates right through the roof in the U.S.To put it bluntly, fast food is one of the main reasons why Americans are getting fatter, sicker, and living with high morbidity as they age. This trend is also occurring within a much younger demographic than ever before.

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