
Weight Loss

Weight Loss Program in Sign Language Helps the Deaf

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A group of deaf adults using American Sign Language in a healthy lifestyle program successfully lost weight, according to a study presented at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology & Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity & Metabolism Scientific Sessions in March 2014 in San Francsico.

Weight Loss

Food and Exercise for Weight Control


By Jana Klauer MD   A large study, reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, surveyed diet and exercise patterns of U.S. men and women over a 20-year period. The participants were evaluated at 4-year intervals for diet, physical exercise, and body weight. Here’s what the researchers found about diet: Higher amounts of vegetables and fruit, whole grains (instead of refined grains), nuts and yogurt protect against weight gain.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss and Weekend Splurges


If you want to lose weight, eating well during the week may be more important than avoiding weekend splurges. Researchers from Cornell University, in collaboration with researchers from the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Tampere University of Technology, examined the impact that the seven-days-a-week human cycle has on weight.

Aging Well
Beauty & Style
Healthy Diet & Nutrition
Skin Health

Home Remedies to Keep Normal Skin Looking Young


By Soriyya Bawa If you have normal skin, you may feel like you’ve won the skin care lottery. But despite what the name may suggest, normal skin requires just as much care as oily skin, dry skin, or combination skin. Before you rush out to rake up as many anti aging skin care products as you can, take a look around your home—you may already have everything you need to make your own anti-aging home remedies for normal skin.

Foods That Whiten Your Teeth


We love the look of pearly whites. But constant bleaching isn’t just costly, it can cause mild to severe pain. If you overdo it, the chemical can eat away at your tooth enamel. The good news is that certain fruits and vegetables will can help make your teeth sparkle naturally. Check them out and you might be able to skip some bleaching treatments.

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