Mental & Emotional Health

Your mental health, including your psychological & emotional health, impacts our daily life. Learn more about the most common mental disorders.

Mental & Emotional Health

Smartphone-Loss Anxiety


The smart phone has changed our behavior, sometimes for the better because we are now able to connect and engage with many more people than ever before, but sometimes for the worse in that we may have become over-reliant on the connectivity with the outside world that these devices afford us. Either way, there is no going back for the majority of users who can almost instantaneously connect with hundreds if not thousands of people through the various social media and other applications available on such devices as well as through the humble phone call.

Mental & Emotional Health

Should You See a Shrink?

By Avatar

By Sherrie Campbell, PhDIt is often the assumption that if you go to therapy that you have serious problems you cannot manage on your own and there is something fundamentally wrong with you. In reality, if someone is attending therapy, the person tends to be on the healthier side of self-love and self-awareness. Because seeing a therapist is stigmatized many people who want to seek help, either often they don’t, or they keep their therapy private so they do not invoke judgment.

Mental & Emotional Health

Depression Often Untreated in PD


In light of the revelation that the late Robin Williams had early Parkinson’s Disease when he committed suicide on August 11th 2014, a study published in the August 2014 issue of the Journal of Parkinson's Disease is of particular interest. Researchers at Northwestern University in Chicago in collaboration with the National Parkinson's Foundation (NPF) found that although depression is known to be a common symptom of Parkinson's disease, the mood disorder often remains untreated for many patients.

Mental & Emotional Health

Risky Work Scenarios Make Women Anxious & Less Competent


Risky situations at work increase anxiety for women and hurt their job performance, according to a study done at Stanford University and presented at the 109th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association in August 2014 in San Francisco. On the other hand, study author Susan R. Fisk found that anxiety did not raise anxiety levels for men and that men’s job performance was unaffected.

Anxiety (Panic Disorders, Phobias)
Mental & Emotional Health
Spiritual Health

Prayer Eases Anxiety for Some, But Not All


For many people with anxiety-related disorders, prayer doesn't ease the symptoms. That’s the finding of research done at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. What seems to matter is the type of attachment a person feels toward God. According to the Baylor study, those who prayed to a loving and supportive God whom they thought would be there to comfort and protect them in times of need were less likely to show symptoms of anxiety-related disorders such as irrational worry, fear, self-consciousness, dread in social situations, and obsessive-compulsive behavior.

Kid's & Teen Health
Mental & Emotional Health

Can Fiction Heighten Empathy?


If you read stories to your grandchildren and also read fiction for your own pleasure, you may be improving the ability of both the children and yourself to understand what other people are thinking or feeling. That’s the finding of a study presented on August 7th 2014 at the American Psychological Association's 122nd Annual Convention in Washington D.C. by psychologist Raymond Mar from York University in Canada.

Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias
Brain Health
Mental & Emotional Health

Depression & Cognitive Decline = Faster Brain Aging


People who develop depression and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) after age 65 are more likely to have biological and brain imaging markers that reflect a greater vulnerability for accelerated brain aging, according to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The findings were published online in Molecular Psychiatry.

Mental & Emotional Health

How We Form & Change Habits


Much of our daily lives are taken up by habits that we've formed over our lifetime. An important characteristic of a habit is that it's automatic-- we don't always recognize habits in our own behavior. Studies show that about 40 percent of people's daily activities are performed each day in almost the same situations. Habits emerge through associative learning. "We find patterns of behavior that allow us to reach goals.

Mental & Emotional Health

Say Yes to NO!


By Jaime Kulaga, Ph.D., LMHC No has gotten this bad reputation. “No, you can’t do that.” “No, it’s too hard.” “No, I don’t have time.” “No, I’m too old.” “No, I’ll do it some other time.”I am sure that you have said some of these statements before. And, yes, when it comes to stopping a life dream, skipping out on a risk, or self-sabotaging with the word “No,” ….YES that IS negative. In fact, saying “No” all the time could skew people’s opinions of you, making them think you are a pessimist or have a negative attitude. I get it.

Mental & Emotional Health

The Guilty Couch Potato


Using media as a stress reducer can lead to feelings of guilt and failure, according to research done at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and VU University Amsterdam. The study was published July 24th 2014 in the Journal of Communication. The team found that people who had high stress levels after work and engaged in television viewing or video game play didn't feel relaxed or recovered, but had high levels of guilt and feelings of failure.

Mental & Emotional Health

When It's More Than Just Anxiety


Although there’s a lot of talk about depression, another condition – Generalized Anxiety Disorder – doesn’t get nearly as much attention. And that can make it harder for friends and family to understand what’s happening when someone they love has GAD. Here, from the National Institute of Mental Health, are some things you should know:What Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Mental & Emotional Health

Time Is Precious: Make Every Minute Count


By Andrea Warshaw-WernickTime is the essence of life. Why do people waste it? We must treat time like a special gift. It’s a resource that we can't buy, rent, borrow, store, save, renew or multiply. All we can do is spend it! And don’t wait until something happens to you or to a loved one to realize how precious your time is.Here are 5 tips to follow to help you stay positive and not waste any of your precious time!

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