
Skin Health

Help for Eczema Sufferers


Scientists have developed a new medicine that may eventually give significant relief to people who suffer from eczema, the most common skin disorder.The study was reported in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Coming Next Week! July 14th to July 18th 2014


Here’s a sneak preview of the articles and blogs we’ll be posting during the coming week on ThirdAge, the biggest and best site for “boomer and beyond” women since 1997. As always, we’ll bring you the latest information from top experts about maintaining a healthy body, mind, and spirit as you navigate both the challenges and the joys of being a ThirdAger.In addition, be sure to come back every morning to check out the ThirdAge Exclusives, We write them after culling the most important new academic and government studies from around the world that are making news that day.

Beauty & Style
Skin Health

Are Your Skincare Products Making You Sick?


By Diane BlumMost of us put on gloves when we clean our bathrooms, as we’re very aware of the dangers of toxic chemicals coming into direct contact with our skin. But what about all of the synthetic chemicals that we innocently apply to our bodies?Every day we absorb self-applied toxins, and most are no further away than our bathroom make-up counter. Shampoos, soaps, deodorants, and all the many “de-aging” skincare products we women use. How do we know they are all safe?

Brain Health
Sleep Health

A Good Night’s Sleep Boosts Brain Power as We Age


A University of Oregon-led study published in the June 2014 issue of the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that middle-aged or older people who get six to nine hours of sleep a night think better than those sleeping fewer or more hours.The study reaffirms numerous small-scale studies in the United States, Western Europe and Japan, but it does so using data compiled across six middle-income nations and involving more than 30,000 subjects for a long-term project that began in 2007.

Heart Health

Cheaper & Better Drug for Heart Attack Procedure


A study done in the UK and published in The Lancet on July 4th 2014 compares outcomes for two drugs used to prevent blood clot formation during emergency heart attack treatment. The study suggests that use of one of the drugs, heparin, could result in improved outcomes such as a reduced rate of repeat heart attacks, compared to the other drug tested, bivalirudin, which is in widespread use in high-income countries and is around 400 times more expensive than heparin.

Alternative Health

Alternative Treatments for Fibromyalgia


People who suffer from fibromyalgia, a chronic disorder with symptoms that include musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness, often seek relief from alternative-health practices. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) part of the National Institutes of Health, talks about the research:

Alternative Health

Needed: A Better Understanding of Chinese Medicine


Although millions of people in the West use Chinese medicine, including acupuncture and herbs, there aren’t enough physicians who have Chinese-language training so they can understand the nuances of those methods.Researchers from UCLA’s Center for East-West Medicine say that there are only a few U.S. schools that have Chinese-language training. Additionally, only a few Chinese medical texts have been translated into English.


Toolkit to Diagnose Menopause


The “Practitioner Toolkit for Managing the Menopause”, designed to guide physicians in the management of menopausal conditions for women from the age of 40 has been designed by researchers at Monash University in Australia. The kit, which includes a diagnostic tool as well as a compendium of approved hormone therapies, was published on July 6th 2014 in the journal Climacteric.

Skin Health

Sunless Tanning: What You Need to Know


Don't want to expose your skin to the sun's damaging rays, but still want that sun-kissed glow? Consider trying sunless tanning products. Start by understanding how sunless tanning products work — and the importance of applying them carefully and correctly.HOW DO SUNLESS TANNING PRODUCTS WORK?

Heart Health

Painless AFib Treatment


A technique called cardiac optogenetics achieves defibrillation without the pain of electric shocks, according to research presented on July 4th at Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology (FCVB) 2014 in Barcelona, Spain. The meeting is organized by the Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in collaboration with 13 European cardiovascular science societies.

Healthy Diet & Nutrition
Senior Health

Nutrition Screenings for Older Adults


As older adults typically have one or more chronic health conditions that can affect dietary intake, malnutrition has been identified as a serious for this population. For this reason, nutrition screenings should be a mandatory part of the comprehensive geriatric analysis (CGA), according to a review article published on July 3rd 2014 in the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition's (A.S.P.E.N.) Nutrition in Clinical Practice journal.

Heart Health

Unnecessary Blood Tests Waste Money


Researchers at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center used two relatively simple tactics to significantly reduce the number of unnecessary blood tests to assess symptoms of heart attack and chest pain and to achieve a large decrease in patient charges.

Skin Health

Fear Of Illness Can Be A Good Thing


When it comes to skin cancer, many people are influenced by fear, not statistics, to use sunscreen.“Most health behavior studies don’t account for the more visceral, emotional reactions that lead people to do risky behaviors, like eat junk food or ignore the protective benefits of sunscreen,” says Marc Kiviniemi, lead researcher and assistant professor of community health and health behavior in the University of Buffalo’s School of Public Health and Health Professions.

Alternative Health

St. John's Wort & Drug Interactions


St. John's wort is the most frequently used complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatment in the U.S. for depression and similar psychiatric disorders. The many commonly prescribed medications that St. John's wort can interact with—sometimes with serious consequences such as life-threatening “serotonin syndrome” or heart disease—are reviewed in the July 2014 issue of The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine and on the web site.

Heart Health

Women and Heart Disease: A New RIsk


Hormonal changes during menopause could increase a woman’s risk of heart disease, researchers have found.The study, by investigators from the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, was done by using an advanced method to analyze “cholesterol carriers” in the blood. The researchers found that during the transition to menopause, the quality of those carriers degrades.Investigators said the study showed that the quality of cholesterol carriers could be as important as cholesterol numbers.

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